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    IPC 2021 Sustainability Report highlights Validere’s role in validating methane emissions data

    International Petroleum Corporation (IPC) released its 2021 Sustainability Report, detailing the progress made by the E&P company on ESG goals and strategies.

    Assessing sustainability efforts across a wide-range of key initiatives, the report hones in on IPC’s approach to methane reduction. In particular, it showcases how Validere served as a key third party, using its Carbon Hub software to validate data on natural gas production measurements.

    As outlined in the report:

    “IPC’s Alberta natural gas production measurement was substantiated through data compilation conducted by Validere, an independent third party, via its Carbon Hub software. This confirmed that IPC’s gas production is:

    • ~7x better than the North American average at limiting methane emissions per molecule produced
    •  ~25x better than the global average at limiting methane emissions per molecule produced” 

    Check out this section from IPC’s 2021 Sustainability Report to learn more.


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